Baby (2019)

China – 2018

Director:  Liu Jie
Screenplay:  Liu Jie
Runtime:  96’
Cast:  Yang Mi, Guo Jingfei, Lee Hong-Chi, Wang Yanjun, Zhu Shaojun, Yan Surong
Editing:  William Cheung, Ching-Song Liao
Cinematography:  Florian J.E. Zinke
Sound:  Tu Duu Chih, Wu Shuyao
Production:  Nanjing Sino-Movie Media & Culture Co. Ltd, Beijing Culture, Zhejiang Hengdian Film Co. Ltd, 3C Films Co. Ltd
Sales:  Wild Bunch, Esther Devos
Language:  Chinese
Awards: Guipuzcoan Blood-Donors’ Association Corresponding to the Solidarity Award (San Sebastian Film Festival 2018)

Italian première

When Jiang, abandoned as a baby because of a congenital disease, comes across a baby girl with similar problems that her parents are about to leave to die, nothing can stop her from trying every way possible to save her life. This is the start of a battle against parents, doctors, the police – anyone who comes between her and the little girl. With great emotional intensity and the splendid interpretation of the Chinese super star Yang Mi, the film denounces the practice of abandoning disabled children in the period of the one child only policy.

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