(Italiano) Film del Giorno – Institut français Milano/CinéMagenta63

ore 15:30

3.30 p.m.
Meurtre à Pacot di/by Raoul Peck
Haiti/France/Norway, 130’ – French, Haitian Creole with English and Italian subtitles/CL
4 avril 1968 di/by Myriam Gharbi
France/Guadeloupe, 24’ – French and Creole with English and Italian subtitles/CC/RBS
Discipline di/by Christophe M. Saber
Switzerland/Egypt, 12’ – French, Arabic and Italian with English and Italian subtitles/CC/RBS
Jikoo, la chose esperée di/by Christophe Leroy, Adrien Camus
France/Senegal, 52’ – French with English and Italian subtitles/ FILMS THAT FEED



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