FESCAAAL is postponed!

Due to the current sanitary emergency, the Festival has been postponed (dates to be defined). More infos here.


NEW DATES: we’re back in Milan from 2nd to 10th May 2020!

“We have no doubts on the reasons why we have been holding the FESCAAAL for the past thirty years; for the directors from the continents whose stories we want to tell and for our loyal public who have followed us ever since the very first festival and the new public, that we meet year after year. We could not bear the idea of not being able to guarantee the 30th Festival taking place in full, in its traditional climate of celebration and sharing. This is why we have decided to postpone it, to organize the special festival that we promised, and work with the institutions at this difficult time for our city, with civic sense and responsibility. It was a hard decision to take, like stopping a train at full speed, and we hope that the situation is back to normal as soon as possible.”

With this messagge from our artistic directors Alessandra Speciale and Annamaria Gallone we inform you that, due to the current health situation, the African, Asian and Latin American Film Festival, like many events in Milan, Lombardy and the whole of the north of Italy, will undergo a change of dates. The 30th FESCAAAL will no longer be held from 21st to 29th March but is postponed to 2nd – 10th May 2020.

It was a very hard and deeply thought over, but inevitable, decision to take, in order to be able to offer tou you all, our loyal public a festival up to the expectations, especially on its 30th anniversary, an important goal that deserves being celebrated. In the current situation of uncertainty, due to precautionary and preventive measures, which have temporarily closed places of culture and the suspension of public events, COE, we could not have guaranteed the activity taking place as usual. Making the general situation even more difficult, there are the  restrictions on entering and leaving some European and non-European countries, which clearly would have prejudiced the presence of our guests, the strong point which distinguishes the Festival.

In addition, the educational activities, carried out as part of the MiWorld Young Film Festival – MiWY, the festival of cinema and interculture for schools, have been temporarily suspended, due to force majeure, until the students can return to school and make up for the period of closure. The MiWY too, has been postponed in May, we are looking forward to telling you about great news!


The programme won’t vary, we will do our best to confirm all the guests, all the initiatives and the events before and during the Festival. The only thing we ask you is to wait for us, until May!


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