Awards of the 25° Festival del Cinema Africano, d’Asia e America Latina


The Jury, made up of
Abderrahmane Sissako, President – Director, Oscar nominee 2015 and of 7 Césars for his film Timbuktu, Mauritania
Antonella Antonelli, Journalist, since 2007 Editor in Chief of Marie Claire, Italia
Joan Bardeletti, Photographer, his work is regularly published in international magazines and the author of Les Classes Moyennes en Afrique, France

Awards the City of Milan Prize – “Windows on the World” Best feature film (€10,000) to the to the film

The Storm Makers: Ceux qui amènent la tempête, by Guillaume Suon, Cambodia, France – 2014, 66′

For the sensitivity and the simplicity with which it relates all the humanity of a people in the face of a universal drama

The prize is awarded by: the councillor for Culture of Milan City Council Filippo Del Corno and Malika Ayane.

Special mention for:

En la estancia, by Carlos Armella

A film that oscillates with tenderness between fiction and documentary, putting the language of emotions in the forefront

Le Challat de TunisBEST AFRICAN FILM

The Jury of journalists made up of
Giancarlo Zappoli, editor-in-chief of, Italy, President
Anna Praderio, journalist, responsible for Cinema for TG5, Italy
Simona Spaventa, freelance journalist and contributor to La Repubblica, Italy
award the Duomo Viaggi e Turismo Prize– Best African feature Film (€2,000) to the film

Le Challat de Tunis , Kaouther Ben Hania, Tunisia, France, Canada, UAE, 2014
For its great irony and for the capacity of reflecting on the condition of women in the Arab world, on violence and on the prejudices of which they are the victims. For the original form of “mockumentary” adopted, which characterizes a directing debut of considerable interest. For its capacity to be cinema on the cinema, in a way which is both absolutely credible and deeply symbolic.


The Jury of journalists made up of
Giancarlo Zappoli, editor-in-chief of, Italy, President
Anna Praderio, journalist, responsible for Cinema for TG5, Italy
Simona Spaventa, freelance journalist and contributor to La Repubblica, Italy
Assegna il Premio MoneyGram al Miglior Cortometraggio Africano (2.000 €) al film

4 Avril 1968 , Myriam Gharbi, France, Guadeloupe, 2014
Because it is able to speak about the fight for civil rights, in a very complicated historical period, through the story of a young girl and therefore with a gaze turned poetically towards the future. It is a story which is both poetic and social at the same time and also succeeds in being very topical, in view of the new flare up of racial tension in the United States in the past few months and it reminds us that the experience of Martin Luther King is still alive and necessary.

The prize was awarded by Giancarlo Abbiento (Sales Manager Moneygram)

The prize was collected by the producer of the film, Celine Celine Farmachi

Looking for Kadija_stillEXTR’A COMPETITION

Fondazione ACRA-CCS  Prize (1.000 €) for the film

Looking for Kadija , by Francesco G. Raganato, Italia, 2014
For the aesthetic originality which, contaminating fiction and documentary and showing the spectator what happens on a film set, succeeds in offering a touching portrait of Eritrea today and yesterday and reporting on history and social research through a plurality of women’s faces. The excellent directing describes, with a light but deep touch, the condition of women in Eritrea today, both urban and rural, of which unsuspected aspects and realities are discovered.

Special mention unanimously awarded to:
Sexy Shopping, by Antonio Benedetto and Adam Selo, Italy, 2014
The film highlights, with lightness, freshness and sympathy, which filter through the images, the subject of immigration, highlighting the possible sharing between the person filmed and the director. Thanks to a now everyday urban figure, a street hawker with a videocamera, many aspects of his life and his work are revealed, the night world of the city is effectively and entertainingly described and the new forms of communications in transnational families also based on the use of new technologies.

Umudugudu! Rwanda 20 ans après, by Giordano Cossu, Italy, 2014
For the contribution to keeping alive the memory and raising the moral question on this and other genocides in distant places, in the spotlight only at times of greatest crisis, For the courage and force in remembering the major consequences on individuals, especially the guilty, at a time of extreme violence in the African continent and other parts of the world.

Awarded to the best Italian film that measures up to other cultures and with the subjects of immigration by a Jury made up of intercultural guides with whom ACRA- CCS collaborates in the Migrantour project and by a representative of ACRA-CCS, as president. The members of the jury are: Nadiya Radchenko (Ucraina), Diana Carolina Leon Freire (Ecuador), Margarita Clement Missaglia (Argentina), Mariela Lara (Ecuador), Maria Luisa Gutierrez (Perù), Maria Eugenia Esparragoza (Venezuela). Presidente è Patrizia Canova.


Premio del pubblico Città di Milano

Letters from Al Yarmouk , Rashid Masharawi, Palestina, 2014

Consegna il premio Paolo Caporali del COE


The Crow’s Egg , M. Manikandan, India, 2014
For the meticulous and intense gaze on the social discriminations in an Indian metropolis in the current scenario of globalization and for the vitality and obstinacy of the very young main characters of the film’s story who overcome the barriers of exclusion and standardization, staying together and sharing knowledge, emotion, effort, constant commitment and critical awareness of their real needs.

The prize was awarded by the delegation of the youth sector of Atalanta Bergamasca Calcio

The prize was collected by : M. Manish Prabhat – Consul

The prize consists of the acquisition fo the distribution rights in Italy and is awarded to the best film that contributes to fostering intercultural dialogue between young people. The prize was awarded by a delegation of the Youth Section of Atalanta Bergamasca Calcio, a professional football club founded in 1907 and which has always been particularly attentive to the growth of young talents. The coaches and the educators of the Atalanta nursery, the first in Italy, according to the data provided by the Studio del Cies Football Observatory, and one of the first at European level, supervise the sporting but above all human growth of the young footballers.

Premio Arnone – Bellavite Pellegrini Foundation

Lazy Susan (Vassoio girevole) , di Stephen Abbott, Sudafrica, 2015
For the originality of the shooting that shows the habits of the world of work in the South African context, for the theme of alienation of the individual and because in our opinion it tells us that we learn from negative experiences.

The prize was awadrded by Dr. Filippo Bellavite Pellegrini

The prize was collected by : Reyana

The Jury this year was made up of pupils from Istituto Oriani Mazzini, and Liceo Berchet of Milan and we thank the head teacher Marco Fassino of the Istituto Oriani Mazzini for having offered the school for the meetings of the Jury. The members of the jury are, in alphabetical order: Simone COLUMBANO, Sabrina ELMAZAILI, Francesca FIUMARA, Gregorio Max GAMBATO, Laura LA MONTAGNA, Mia LANZI, Pietro MARIANI, Yormari PUERARI, Martina RAIMONDI, Rumi RAHMAN, Riccardo RUTA, Veronica SANNA, Aline SOARES, Ashe SOLA, Primrose TAPALLAS, Federica ZANIN.

The prize, which consists of the acquisition of the distribution rights in Italy, is awarded to the best film that deals with the subjects of globalization, governance, legality and intercultural dialogue. The members of the jury were: Simone Columbano, Sabrina Elmzaili, Francesca Fiumara, Gregorio Max Gambato, Laura La Montagna, Mia Lanzi, Pietro Mariani, Yormari Puerari, Martina Raimondi, Rumi Rahman, Riccardo Ruta, Veronica Sanna, Aline Soares, Ashe Sola, Primrose Tapallas, Federica Zanin.

Premio CINIT e Premio CEM – Mondialità

The Dream of a Scene , Yasser Shafiey, Egitto, 2014
For the intriguing combination of meta-film, in which unexpected and surprising poetry is developed from an apparently documentary structure but which grafts on to the story questions on cultures and generations: all suspended between truth and image, between substance and illusion. For the stories of the two main characters, who with unhesitant attitudes, strongly motivate their existential challenge with a gesture that increases their search for identity out of all proportion.

The prize is awarded by : Massimo Caminiti, Manenti, Massimo

The prize, which consists of the acquisition of the distribution rights in Italy, is awarded to an African short film with educational value.


Premio ISMU

4 avril 1968 (4 aprile 1968) di Myriam Gharbi, Francia, Guadalupa. 2014
A small story of education, In the film, big history (martin Luther King was killed in Memphis on 4th April 1968), is only vaguely evoked by the voice of the radio, but enters the existence of an unaware child, who on that fatal morning, in the periphery of the world in which she lives, gets lost in the woods and does not go to school, but meets a fascinating warrior of the black panthers, willing to become her mentor. The story is convincing because it finds a good balance between fairy tale and history and is rich in ideas for reflection.

The prize was awarded by : Gabrì

The prize was collected by : Celine Farmachi, producer of the film

Fondazione Ismu (Iniziative e Studi sulla Multietnicità) awards a prize to the best short film at the festival with an educational value, The prize consists of the acquisition of the distribution rights in Italy and is awarde by a jury made up of teachers.

Premio Sunugal

Père, Lotfi Achour, Tunisia, Francia, 2014
For the simplicity of language and the direct way with which it treated topical subjects in the context of developing countries, such as fatherhood, single mothers and children’s rights. The unforeseeable is always round the corner.

The prize was awarded by: Modou Gueye, Olivier Debbio

The prize, which consists of the acquisition of the distribution rights in Italy, is awarded to an African short film by a jury made up of members of the Association.

Premio Razzismo Brutta Storia

Sexy  Shopping, di Antonio Benedetto e Adam Selo, Italia, 2014
For the original use of the camera which, through a clever game of gazes, allows the public to step into the shoes of the main character; for having ironically and sharply approached a situation which concerns our daily life, and for having told us about the brilliant and perseverant Miah who in difficulty was able to reinvent himself, the Jury of Il Razzismo è una brutta storia – University Section awards the prize to the film Sexy Shopping by Adam Selo. Who would deny finding it hard to relate to the many people who sell roses in the streets of Milan? Does the story of Miah – the street hawker with a VAT number, who dreamt of Italy and sells gadgets to youngsters who dream of Australia – give us the extra instruments to experience these daily encounters. Perhaps, even though leaves us with more questions than answers. However, he definitely reminds us that it is not simple to look at one another in the face, to see humanity and try to understand people who like us are trying to build up a better future for their family and themselves (and buy a bike!). And how important it is to do so to remain human.

The Jury of Young people awards two SPECIAL MENTIONS to:

Asmarina, di Medhin Paolos & Alan Maglio
For the capacity to reflect the historical depth and cultural complexity of the Eritrean community in Italy, creating intimacy with the public and promoting he values of peace and integration between peoples.

Limbo, di Matteo Calore e Gustav Hofer
For having made us reflect on how those categories which in daily life contribute to excluding people are the result of a social and institutional construction and how they occult journeys made of human relations, choices and difficulties.

The Razzismo è una brutta storia association and le Librerie laFeltrinelli award a special prize to the best film in the section dedicated to the subjects of racism and integration. The jury, organized in collaboration with the University Section of the Festival is made up of university students on courses of film and audiovisuals, intercultural communication, media education and cultural studies. The Razzismo è una brutta storia association and laFeltrinelli award a special prize to the best film in the section dedicated to racism and integration.

The Prize is awarded by Giulia Frova and the Jury of Students


Letters from Al Yarmouk, Rashid Masharawi, Palestina, 2014
For having rendered cinematographically the dramatic present of the Syrian conflict. Through the contact of the director with a young Palestinian photographer, a series of considerations are made in an original way on love, acceptance and human solidarity.

The prize was awarded by The World Catholic Association for Communication. The members of the jury are Gianluca Bernardini, Gaetano Liguori, Guido Convent and Vanessa Lanari.

Special mention: For the subject and the brilliant and audacious directing, having succeeded in dealing with such a difficult and complicated subject, like the condition of women, in a light and sparkling way, without every making the subject ordinary, the Signis jury awards a special mention to  Le Challat de Tunis by Khaouter Ben Hania

Premio Lenovo

Medhin Paolos per Asmarina in coregia con Alan Maglio

The prize is a Yoga Tablet 2 Pro awarded to the best emerging director who uses technology to tell the story of intercultural society.

The Prize was awarded by Simona Menghini

Lenovo, a leading company in technology (for 2 years it has been no. 1 on the PC market and recently has reached third position on the smartphone market – thanks also to the acquisition of Motorola – and servers – thanks to the acquisition of the x86 division of IBM -), aware that a fundamental element of its success – from a Chinese company to a global corporation – has been to promote the different cultures present in its organization, recognized as a richness and a value also in an economic sense, has decided to award the prize to the director Medhin Paolos for her film Asmarina, for her contribution to multiculturality and for her attention to the use of technology as an enabling instrument in this sense.

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